The Magic Cafe is the most popular forum for magicians. It is an open forum, but includes a members only area for the exchange and discussion of magicians' secrets. The Magic Cafe is patronized by everyone with an interest in the art of magic, including hobbyists & beginners, collectors and historians, even the world's leading professional magicians. The reception can be a little cool towards new members, as new members are greeted with scepticism by the forum's existing members, primarily because the forum, being so popular, attracts a lot of individuals who are lurkers or seekers of secrets.
You must post a minimum quantity of messages in order to gain access to the secret sections. Of course, you must post informatively in order to gain respect of the forum community
The Magic Cafe is administered by a large team of professionals and it is highly recommended that you behave properly and abide by the forum's policies. New members are not permitted to join if they are using free internet email accounts like Yahoo or Hotmail. This reduces the quantity of anonymous members or members taking on spurious identities.
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